The Valencia Family

Monday, September 11, 2006

And a third!

This picture cracks me up in so many ways 9/4/06
Tommy likes to read to Ellie- it's so sweet! 9/9/06
Ellie giving Tommy a big wet one 9/10/06

Wow, two posts in one day!

Ellie's first trip to the zoo 9/4/06
Our little stud at the zoo 9/4/06
Ellie with proud Grandma Rita 9/1/06

I figured that since Bert finally downloaded pics the least I could do was post some on the blog :)

Ellie looks so cute in a headband! 9/1/06

What's up Mike Reno?
Ellie showing how she can smile- open mouthed and close mouthed. 8/29/06