The Valencia Family

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Quick Update

I won't be posting any photos tonight because I haven't downloaded any and am too tired to do it right now. I just wanted to let everyone know who doesn't already that The Valencias are moving. We're moving to another house in Kent (lame- I know, but it's further north- almost to Renton :) ). Obviously, I'm not going to post the address on here, but call or email us and we'll pass it on. We're getting a new phone number too. I'll try to call people to give the new digits if I ever quit being so freakin' busy. By the way, we're moving this weekend. Short notice, I know.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Love, Katie Bert Tommy and Ellie

Saturday, October 14, 2006

A few from the last couple weeks

They're just so cute!! (10/11)
Tommy at the zoo with his cousins (10/1)
Ellie spotting something at the zoo (10/1)
Ellie sleeping with her new turtle- it's almost as big as she is!

More Catching Up

At the Family Fun Center for Bert's birthday (the big 3-0!)
Those blue eyes just melt us. We're keeping our fingers crossed that they stay blue! (9/30/06)
Still at the Family Fun Center (9/30/06)

Ellie's not a thumb-sucker like her brother. This was a rare photo opp. (9/29/06)

Catching Up

Tommy at school (9/28/06)
Our little artist at school (9/28/06)
Getting ready to go out for dinner on Bert's birthday (9/28/06)
Another one on Bert's birthday (9/28/06)

Puyallup Fair 2006

Doin' the Puyallup on September 18th.

Tommy would've been a great pioneer!
The fire engine and firemen were Tommy's fave
There's that tongue again!

Driving the fire engine

Hood Canal

We went to Hood Canal September 16th and 17th to celebrate Grandpa C and Grandma Toni's 60th birthdays and one year wedding anniversary. Here are some long overdue pics from that weekend...

It was cold on the beach that day
Ellie had just discovered her tongue that week. :)

Tommy's caterpillar buddy
Which one is Grandpa C and which one is Uncle Tony?